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Unveiling of Design for No. 9 at the Plaza—July 23

The Mill Valley Historical Society and the Friends of No. 9 invite you to join us for an unusual event:

On Saturday, July 23, 11am - 1pm at the Depot Plaza, we will be unveiling a proposed design concept for expanding the plaza and displaying Engine No.9 -- the only remaining piece of the once-famous Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods Railway. We are looking forward to presenting the design, answering questions, and hearing your thoughts about the project.

Also joining us will be folks from Mill Valley’s own world-class landscape architecture firm, RHAA, who are helping with the project design. The event will include displays and details about the design as well as historical photos and artifacts. We will also have some fun things for kids to see and do.

We hope you will attend. And, please help us spread the word!

Thanks for your support!


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